Application of precision parts in the new energy storage market

In recent years, the international situation has become increasingly complex, geopolitical conflicts have emerged one after another, the "Russia-Ukraine conflict" black swan event has unveiled the prelude to the energy crisis ahead of schedule, and the new crown epidemic has brought about the largest global economic depression since the 2008 financial crisis. With the increasing frequency of extreme weather environments, countries have raised the discussion of the environment and energy to the national strategic level, and policies to encourage the development of new energy have been introduced in turn, and the overseas household energy storage market has undoubtedly been pushed to the top of the current new energy investment pyramid top, worthy of focus and interpretation. 

With the superposition of multiple factors, overseas household energy storage has become an incremental investment market. Since 2020, affected by the international situation and geopolitics, crude oil prices have continued to rise. point. The issue of energy security has once again been seriously put before the world. The sense of insecurity brought about by conflicts in energy stability has led countries to rethink the energy situation. What kind of energy structure system do we need to lay out? How can the existing energy structure be transformed to achieve certainty in an uncertain world?

Among the many energy technology routes, the cost advantage of photovoltaic power generation technology is obvious. Since 2020, the cost of photovoltaic power generation has been lower than that of traditional coal power. With the expansion of photovoltaic scale and continuous improvement of technology, the cost advantage of photovoltaic will inevitably make it the potential to become the fastest-growing subdivision track in the global carbon neutral development period. With the dual trend of policy and profitability, from the second half of 2021, overseas household savings will become a new investment vane, and a large number of companies will pour into the European and North American markets.

Schematic diagram of new energy storage and transmission: 

Brief introduction of important hardware equipment for energy storage:

1)energy storage fuel cell
